Give new drivers a chance!

Give new drivers a chance! - John K Philips }
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Give new drivers a chance!

Have you heard the tale about the grandfather who wrote a letter to a transport magazine? …If not, then read on…

‘Commercial Motor’ is one of our favourite industry magazines – it’s the inside line of the transport world, full of news, opinions and letters. That’s where the story begins. In the April 9th issue, RA Buros, a grandfather, wrote a letter to the trade mag lamenting his grandson’s situation.

The ‘Commercial Motor’ reader explained that his grandson had paid for his own HGV training, in the hopes that this would lead to a full-time job. Unfortunately, despite gaining this all important driving certification, no company was interested in employing the lad. Without actual work experience, he couldn’t get work… which ironically is exactly what he needed to gain experience!

The team at John K Philips are trying to identify this budding young HGV driver or his grandfather – we’d like to offer him a potential job.

He’s got precisely what this industry needs: drive!

Mr Buros’ letter certainly caused some debate – John Hardman, our operations manager, was just one who wrote into the magazine in response. John commented that this story sheds light on a real issue that the road transport industry needs to talk about in order to open up this sector to new talent.

Isn’t it wrong to decline a young man the opportunity to enter an industry that’s already finding it difficult to attract new, young staff? No work equals no experience – it’s the classic vicious circle. Not just vicious, though, irrational too. At a time when the industry as a whole is crying out for younger minds, those actively pursuing a role are turned away. That’s no way to appeal to those we need!

We need young people, for the enthusiasm they bring and the fresh ideas they may generate. Sharp minds on the road, that’s what we need. But it also means we can pass on the experiences we’ve all built up. Now that’s a circle that makes sense.

Lorry driving isn’t always thought of as a particularly sexy occupation; it’s not liking being a singer, or a spy or a stunt-man. True, you still need the X-factor to do it well, but you won’t need an ITV talent show to get the job. We think that new drivers deserve a chance to prove themselves – and it’s up to us as employers to reward those who show their determination to become professional drivers.

If you know of the ‘Commercial Motor’ letter-writer, or his road-lovin’ grandson, please let us know. That passion and determination he shows is just what we’re looking for.

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